Media Release


SIX Exchange Regulation AG reaches an agreement with Phoenix Mecano AG

SIX Exchange Regulation AG (SER) has reached an agreement with Phoenix Mecano AG in connection with violations of the accounting standards in the 2022 Swiss GAAP FER (FER) half-year financial statements. As part of the agreement, the company has committed to restate the accounting errors in the 2023 FER half-year financial statements and to make a donation of CHF 20,000 to the Foundation for accounting and reporting recommendations.

Phoenix Mecano AG disclosed in the 2022 FER half-year financial statements that an internal investigation had been opened due to irregularities in connection with customer orders, external sales and trade receivables at a US subsidiary. As a consequence, the operating result of the half-year financial statements was reduced by the amount of EUR 5.6 million. Out of this amount, expenses of EUR 4.7 million related to corrections of errors from previous periods that should have been recognised as a restatement.

Due to the omission of the error restatement and the booking of the irregularities against the result, the 2022 FER half-year financial statements were materially misstated. The misstatements have the following material effects:


As part of the agreement with SER, Phoenix Mecano AG has undertaken to correct and disclose the errors by means of a restatement. In addition, the company will make a donation of CHF 20,000 to the Foundation for accounting and reporting recommendations.

The investigation initiated by SER against Phoenix Mecano AG in connection with the 2022 FER half-year financial statements has been terminated upon completion of the agreement.