Media Release


Sanction Proposal against Blackstone Resources AG

SIX Exchange Regulation AG (SER) has submitted a request for a sanction to the Sanctions Commission of SIX Group against Blackstone Resources AG concerning alleged violations of the regulations on financial reporting on 1 February 2022.

After completion of its investigation, SER has concluded that the 2018 annual IFRS financial statements, the 2019 interim IFRS financial statements and the 2019 annual IFRS financial statements of Blackstone Resources AG contain multiple material misstatements. For this reason SER has send a request for a sanction to the Sanctions Commission against Blackstone Resources AG on 1 February 2022. 

The alleged deficiencies refer to the accounting for the acquisition of the subsidiary South America Invest Ltd. and the resulting goodwill as well as the disclosures in connection with this acquisition in the 2019 interim IFRS financial statements and in the 2019 annual IFRS financial statements. Further alleged deficiencies refer to the consolidation of the subsidiary Troi Gobi LLC and the accounting for the sale of this subsidiary in the 2018 annual IFRS financial statements, in the 2019 interim IFRS financial statements and in the 2019 annual IFRS financial statements. 

No information will be provided while the sanction proceedings are ongoing. SER will inform the public about the outcome of the sanction proceedings.